Hansaton sound hd hearing aids won't connect to Noahlink wireless


I thought I had the newer BLE category aids.

Bluetooth is not the same as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Do you have some specs somewhere to look at? Hover over Bluetooth Capable here.

Thanks for your help, I’ll keep this Noahlink for future aids. I guess I will go with the mini-pro wired setup as per your other great tips.

Well, I’m not totally sure we have identified the problem correctly because I don’t know much about Hansaton Sound HD hearing aids. Maybe we should look around for more specs.

Datasheet is in German that I found. Can’t translate because it’s a PDF.

Where is it? Maybe Google Translate will help translate snippets.

Can’t get in here.


I think it is a 312, only says soundhde on the aid. But Its a 12 channel aid.

Scroll down to the bottom of this French Site and Read about uDirect3. Recent hearing aids with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connect to iPhones with MFi (Made For iPhone) technology. This allows them to not have an intermediate device that you wear around your neck. I think Hansaton uses uDirect3 as a hang-around-your-neck device so I don’t see any evidence of BLE capabilities.

I program mine with the scout software not the hansafit

I’m not certain, but I believe the hansafit was for when hansaton was using siemens tech. They are now unitron based

If you decide to use mini Pro with cables, then the cables will need to be CS44a for Phonak/Unitron and not standard CS44 cables. Also since we can’t find much documentation on your hearing aids, try looking for cable connection instructions inside the fitting software. Sometimes you need other connectors in addition to the cable.

Look at your hearing aids with magnification or a macro camera/cellphone in the sunlight. Does it have a tiny 4-pin male connection for a cable?

I rewrote this last section about NoahLink Wireless to try making it more clear;
How to choose a programming device to Program Your Hearing Aids [DIY]

Thanks @bobm07921 for pointing us to Scout fitting software.

Download Scout 3.5. It has a Guides folder. There it specifies the programming devices you can use. Noahlink Wireless is not one of them. NOAHlink is not Noahlink Wireless!;

You can use File / Software Updates to Get, Save, and or Install Scout 3.6 to add Sound SHD instruments.

Oh, it also has a handy fitting guide.

Thanks for all the info guys, it does have a small round male connector for programing. I will keep you posted.

Using Mini pro, 34A cables and Scout 3.6, I was able to connect to my hearing aids and lower the gain down on all programs. Thanks for all your help. I think I will take some training courses before I mess with them any more then that. Seems to have helped already though.

Great! Glad you got connected; 34A = typo? did you mean CS44a cables?

Yes, the cables were CS44a cables. Nice to be able to make a minor adjustment without sending my hearing aids in to Audicus for reprogramming. Usually a 7-10 day turn around.

If you are going to be here for a while you should enter your audiogram (see Tips in Forum Support category).

Also, I’m not sure about your short/long term experience wearing hearing aids? But hearing-aids-too-loud is a common new-to-hearing-aids complaint when the actual problem is that you brain has become accustomed to a muted/comfortable soundscape and maybe you need to retrain your pesky brain to get along with a noisy soundscape.

I like it when the soundscape is loud. Though, YMMV :wink: