Getting these pesky settings just right!

Oof. So sorry. I had a brief case on the top of my head about three years ago. The retrovirals were prescribed right away and whacked it down. I thought I’d burnt the top of my head or something. I can’t imagine it in my eye. Best wishes for fast and full healing!


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Thank you. I waited 10 days before going to the ER. Too late for antiviral drugs to be effective. Shingles were confined to the lower eyelid right up to and including the eyelashes. I guess this is a pretty rare spot for it to express itself. I understand that if it gets into the eyeball itself, you can pretty well kiss the vision in that eye goodbye. The doctors were worried for a while that my virus was going to jump over from the margin of the lower eyelid.

Thanks for your kind wishes.

[Addendum: Sorry, @rogerinshoreham , I realize it’s off-topic, but the guy wished me well … ]

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@rogerinshoreham: Oy! Rog! You haven’t jumped ship, have you?

Gee Whillikers, @Zebras !

:ship: :canoe: Man Overboard! 🛟 :helicopter:

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Don’t worry, still here in the most un-proprietorial way I can manage.
You carry on fellars, as they say in the perfume ad ‘because you’re worth it’.
I’m off to a carol service this afternoon. That’ll put me in a good mood for the rest of the week.


@rogerinshoreham: It’s good to hear from you. You have some interesting and practical ideas that I have already implemented in my own logbook (recording specific sounds/words). I like your community spirit, too, so I apologize if my “Wild West” ways made it seem that I was being grossly disrespectful of you.

I will be putting up my reindeer nets and elf traps this afternoon, so I shall be in fine fettle, also.

:chair::chair::chair: (as @kevels55 would sign off with)

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No problem at all Jim and no need to apologise. Not one bit.
If it all wobbles off topic and that’s the culture here that’s fine. My comment a few days ago was only prompted by the thought that someone looking for stuff related to the original question might be a bit puzzled by where the conversation is now.
It’s all interesting and entertaining. Keep up the good work.


@rogerinshoreham: Well, as I said - I wouldn’t want to drive away a valuable new member by being excessively boorish. (Being a gunner, a little boorishness is inevitable and, perhaps, even desirable?)

[Addendum: Note, Rog, how members like @kevels55, ever the Gentleman, spring instantly to my defence, saying things like "You, boorish, Spud? Not for a minute! Aye! Never!!] [… if he weren’t away at a pool tournament and, therefore, unavailable.]



@Neville Where are you in Canada . I need you!

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Pool tournament! The wet kind or the smooth green variety?
As a competitor or a spectator?
I haven’t asked until now but where did the spud thing come from. I did once have a spud gun but have no idea where it went.

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@kevels55 is an 8-ball shark, and a competitor;

I am a retired artillery officer. My face looks like a potato so the bombardiers used to call me “Spud” [Addendum: But not to my face …]


Funny enough Jim, in Deaf culture, every person has a byname, usually it’s a visual description of how you look, some of these bynames are extremely unflattering :rofl: it’s done because you’re immediately aware of whom they’re talking about, and no insult is intended… For instance my wife Elspeth has a large mole near her nose, they way sign E plus point to the mole, and all would know who the meant… Cheers Kev :wink:

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@kevels55: So, Kev, what is “potato” in sign language? (Never mind - I’ll Google it!).

:+1:t2::ballot_box_with_check: Got it!

(PS: Did you know you can flag yourself for being off-topic? I’ve tried it, and it works!)


Yeah Jim, perhaps u could start a “Semaphore Class” with all your own flagging :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy:

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@kevels55: I rely heavily on my expert knowledge of “Middle Finger Morse”, Kev.


I know the wan Jim… Although TBH, I was blissfully unaware that you were conversant in universal sign language :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy:

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@kevels55: Actually, “potato+gunner” is surprisingly easy to sign, and - although it’s not exactly “spud” - it’ll do!

@kevels55: This raises an interesting (troubling?) question that does in fact, relate to Rog’s quest for perfect pesky settings and includes our banter about signing

At what point does a Hard of Hearing person “give up” on hearing aids and CIs in their search for speech comprehension and call themselves “Big ‘D’ Deaf” ?

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Yeah it is an easy wan to sign, both are iconic signs, so they are easy to remember… The 3 most important factors in sign language are, the hand shape, facial expressions, and lipping what you are signing, this is difficult to get in sync, it takes many years of practice to coordinate all 3… Cheers Kev :wink:


I would hope it would be after they have been medically examined by an otologist. If no tumors are found and they determine a bone conduction aid or cochlear implant cannot help.


In truth Jim, they will never be excepted by Big D, even if you scored zero across the board, you ain’t Big D, this is a closed culture, you have to be born Deaf, be part of a Deaf family that signs, Social Workers for the Deaf whom sign, are tolerated, and perhaps excepted, unfortunately HOH are more of a an irritation, and left in limbo, they are neither part of the hearing world, nor will they ever be excepted into Deaf culture… A tadge ruthless I know, but it is what it is…Tis their culture, and outsiders aren’t welcome, they are fairly zealous in protecting their culture, there are in truth so few of them left, Cochlear Implantation (In children) is extremely frowned upon, in their eyes it’s an abomination, destroying their culture, and their way of life… If you look at it from their perspective, they see absolutely no problems with being unable to hear, they can sign, and effectively communicate in their own language, to them there isn’t a problem! Cheers Kev :wink: