Do people notice your hearing aids?

Nobody notices. First time I went to physician after getting aids, I had to stop him while I took them out so he could use his otoscope. He said he hadn’t noticed them.


As a hearing aid forum there are members who will wear the aids you describe-myself included. I prioritise the best sound & comfort for me which enables me to live the life I want to. If anyone has any negative feelings about this it would be their issue-not mine. To the original poster, choose what feels right for you & what gives you the best sound experience.


Most people don’t notice at all. I wear one of the largest (behind the ear) hearing aids made at this time. Full skeleton molds…large tubing. A friend that I’ve been bowling with forever hadn’t noticed until recently when I took one off to change batteries. Usually the only folks that notice are hearing aid users themselves.
Best wishes on your journey,

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Its $45 USD. It is a small box that can go by mail/post.

$78 AUD plus $63 AUD postage. The tyranny of distance,

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I wear behind the ear hearing aids with full shell earmolds that are either striped blue and white or ghostbusters ectoplasm bright green. I imagine some people notice but no one seems to care except amused children and rare adults who notice and like the pop of color. Most folks don’t notice. They don’t realize they are speaking to someone who is hard of hearing until I mention it and thank them for helping me hear. (I usually thank the people I can’t hear well, because then they feel happy that they could help someone and they start speaking more clearly.) You may need to decide for yourself who you tell and who you don’t, because otherwise your having hearing aids will pass unnoticed by almost everyone.


I taught for 32 years and really should have had them 8 years before I got mine. None of my students, peers or friends ever commented on them, I don’t know if they noticed them.

I noticed my uncle’s hearing AID when I was a child. It was a square box attached to the front of his shirt and had a big wire going up to his ear…60 years ago. Today, people in civilized countries are so used to personal technology that they don’t comment on it.

The most important aspect of learning is getting information through multiple senses. Eyes and ears improve knowledge intake! Don’t miss out on this benefit. It is a true gift that many people can’t afford! Enjoy it!

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I’m 19 and 2 years ago I walked into school one day with hearing aids and no one noticed. I’ve never had any negative comments hearing aids are so common now a days.


I used to work in optical thin film lab with vacuum pumps and production machines. It caused my T to start even with hearing aids. Hearing aids are not hearing protectors.
Many cashiers and people had no idea l am hearing impaired because my speech is excellent.

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Tell staff they are hearing aids. Tell friends they are the newest bt headphones. Both are true…