Did I get the right hearing aids - UPDATE

I have had the Eargene since yesterday and already much less itchy so thanks

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I have had various domes, custom acrylic molds and custom silicone molds. The custom molds stay put. The domes do not. It costs a few bucks more, but it is worth it.

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Since I got the open domes and the concha locks, they do seem to be staying put. So fingers crossed that it stays that way. I might still get custom moulds at some point, but have no idea how much they cost.

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I don’t think anyone has commented on the soreness on the top of your ear. It may be that you would benefit from the wires from the receivers to the aids being one size longer. That takes the pressure off the point where your ear joins your head. Made a big difference for me. Your audiologist can easily change them (probably by changing the receivers and wires together).

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Looks like you’re from the UK? Have no idea of their prices for custom molds. In US, $100 per mold is common, although Costco will do it for around 40 US dollars per mold. Unless you have a big ear canal, it may be challenging to properly vent a custom mold. Sounds like you’re doing pretty well with the concha lock. Thanks for updating us.


Normally in the UK if you are buying new hearing aids, then custom moulds are free of charge if they are necessary.

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Boots charge £86 for a pair.



I got charged £24.95 per ear with Boots the other day.

My friend managed to order some via Starkey UK FB page for £40 for the pair delivered to his house. He already had the serial numbers. He just wanted a change in colour.
Should add, he has Phonak Sky M70 M so he doesn’t have RIC Aids.


That’s good to know, thanks