Thank you Ken for your thoughts above. I appreciate the time you invested in this.
Thanks also to all the specialists that have added to this thread. I am appreciative and yes a bit overwhelmed by the outpouring of a considerable amount of information that I’m absorbing…albeit slowly.
Ironically this whole thing started when I went to Costco to pick up HA batteries for my mother in law and I finally decided that it couldn’t hurt to get a test done. I knew there was loss in the R ear, but did not know the L was on the fringe / marginal. I tried two HA’s there, the KS8 and the Phonak. From a sound perspective the Phonak (at least to me) seemed better, when I wore the pair around the store.
I spoke to my wife about it and like any expense these days is an expense that needs to be considered carefully. She mentioned that she thought part of the benefit plan included audio exams, ENT, HA’s and looked into it. When she told me what the benefits were (50% off any HA up to 3500 per ear, 50% off any extras, free exams, free fittings, free followup, free annual) well it was a no brainer. So off I went to the hospital audiology dept (they have 5 locations - as mentioned it’s a big hospital system - and I chose the closest to home)
So I went into test #2 with some knowledge (and a test result in my back pocket) and decided to take it from the top and not disclose test #1. The new test result was in essence the same graph - a bit more flat lined than peaks and valleys. Was I wrong in not telling them I had a test done 10 days prior - I don’t know - I just wanted to gather more info and see what they had to say.
I was almost elated when they told me I could get by with one for now vs two and given the reading I’ve done in the past two weeks was pleased with what I tried. With a single aid in a limited area to test in (I was not in Costco this time) all I could do was have a conversation with the aud and do my own little directionality test - tapping on things, snapping fingers etc to see if I could locate the sound. I could and that impressed me.
So I chose the OPN1 and bumped it to the rechargable version - my cost for one is 1250 plus a bump of 125 for the rechargeable version - probably a wash over the battery version, but my thought was less wear and tear on the battery door - so that made sense.
My hearing loss I believe is part heredity and part self inflicted. My Dad had tinnitus and I’ve had it for a while. It’s becoming more noticeable and annoying especially when I am tired. My mom is practically deaf now - refused to wear hearing aids and with the progression of her dementia - no need to force that now.
So am I concerned as to how this will turn out - yes - I need to fix as best as possible my ability to hear speech, especially in noisy environments. I’ll update once I adjust to wearing it.
Fortunately I still hear music well - not as well as I used to but well… As an audio guy (who has designed some pretty interesting headsets for the call centers I support) it’s a passion. I’ve no idea if anyone here has a parametric equalizer tied into their stereo - but I do.
As also a hobbyist musician / former p/t recording engineer ( I do have some very high end mics to sell too, which will more than cover this cost!) it’s going to be really interesting when I spin up the Leslie attached to the (clone) Hammond organ and see how it handles that - That could be a fun topic itself (doppler effect)
All I can do in retrospect is continue to advise my kids to wear hearing protection when they attend concerts. I should have known better, but nearly two years ago ‘the worlds most dangerous synth’ got me good - that’s a story for another day.