Costco ReSound Vida (Product Information)

It’s rare to find actual chip info on hearing aids and when you do, it’s marketing. No one really knows, but we think the Vida uses the same chip as the Linx 3D.

Cool, thanks. The new chip on the Quattro sounds really impressive. And my audi agreed to do REM on me at the fitting session and a tech from Resound will be present. So hopefully between the advanced hardware, my audi, their audi and REM I get a great solution.

I haven’t seen ReSound claim that it’s the most powerful available but I think I read they claim its 2x more powerful than the chip used in the LiNX 3D.

And with any of these claims, next month it won’t be, etc.

Using Verso 9s for 5 years with phone clip
Have been advised to start trials with a familiar brand first but am open to getting another if I can hear better as have had a recent increased loss Don’t care about rechargeable. Trying to understand what I would miss if I go to Costco where my DH gets his HAs

Is the Vita 8 the Costco version of the Linx 3-D? Are you going to a different Audi for the Linx 3-d that had a problem and the upgrade to the Quattros? I thought the Costco ReSound was the Vida and previously the K6?

Trying to compare defeated equivalents for my appt with Costco this week. Thanks!

(Back when I got my Versos for 6500 from the outside Audi I found out that I could have gotten equivent one w/o tinnitus feature at Costco. I never liked tinnitus setting so could have saved a bundle. 3 months later they had the direct connectivity with the iPhone and it was too late to swap and upgrade with the private Audi. . But if the Quattro would help me hear better I would be willing to go back to her.

The Quattros are not available at Costco, but the Linx 3D are. The Quattros are Resound’s latest model. Only you can decide if they’re worth the extra money. People seem to like both the Vidas and the Quattro, but I haven’t seen any direct comparisons.

What is the Vita 8? Thanks for reply!

In the US, it’s Vida. Their model numbers start with an 8, but I don’t think that I’ve seen it called the Vida 8.

Is the hearing test results on your profile accurate, and is that your current hearing loss?

In what situations do you have trouble hearing?

Conejo23 said they had the Vida 8 so I was trying to figure out what that compared with and where Thanks!

Can you get the Vida without the recharge feature? Thanks so much!!!

Thanks Don. That was my profile last month but I think it is now worse on the right as I have been struggling with sudden hearing loss which was incorrectly diagnosed for 2 months before I was treated with prednisone.

Wearing the hearing aid on the almost non- working ear gave me back spatial awareness so I am hoping not to have to get the cross over type. My brother in law has those and could never adjust to them

Last week i woke up and could hear even less. With my ReSounds adjusted for the most recent loss on the left i am still having trouble hearing anyone more than 5 feet away unless they have a deep loud voice.
Just went out to eat and couldn’t hear my brother in law across the table in a booth despite his deep voice.

Forget trying to go to a big restaurant or talking to a woman with a soft voice. Have to pass around my mini mic and still miss 25%

. I am teaching a workshop Monday and will have to circulate and pass my mini microphone around. I currently put it i. Front of the sound bar to watch TV
If I get new ReSounds I will get a multi mic.
If I get Phonaks a Roger pen

I currently have Verso 9s with an open dome on left and closed dome on right. Got those when I had just a mild loss and loved them from the get go with one small tweak after the REM testing but that was 5 years ago

PVC just what I needed to understand!!!

I got the Vida 8 from Costco 3 weeks ago and I will have to say that the entire experience from the hearing test to the two week follow was excellent. I am a first time HA user so am completely satisfied .
I believe that the difference between the Vida 7 and the Vida 8 is that the Vida 8 has the benefit of adding the rechargeable battery option and the Vida 7 does not.

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I didn’t think things got hijacked. Started a new thread with more succinct questions and getting most helpful replies. I am grateful for all you do to contribute to this amazing forum. Many thanks!

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I’ve worn aids for about 20 years. My most recent pair are the subject units (VA862-DRW) RIC with the iPhone connectivity for streaming and control. They work well.

I’ve had a quirk for the 6+ months I’ve had them. The Costco specialist and I both think it is a figment of my imagination, but I’m starting to doubt myself.

I do not stream from our television. After 4 or 5 minutes of television, the HA gain SEEMS to drop, to the point that I have to increase set volume to the extent that my wife says it has become very uncomfortable to her. I can leave the room and our face-to-face levels return to normal in a minute or 5.

Does anyone have any thought what might be happening?

Aside, the television is a Samsung 4k model 6300, about 3 years old. It does have Bluetooth functionality, but we don’t use it for anything.

Thoughts? Am I crazy?

Is it possible the hearing aids are recognizing an environment and switching to the settings for that environment, but the settings for that environment are not set correctly? Two possibilities would be that it thinks the TV is music, or noise.

Can you have your pro review each automatic environment and see if one of them is suspect. If all look ok then you may have to test each one by inducing the hearing aids to change to each environment (play music, play party sounds, etc.).

I should have mentioned that we (Pro and I) initially wondered about this. I have no settings for environments, and have auto-environment turned off in the iOS app. It’s AS IF, but they’re neither that smart/stupid, it says “that Samsung TV is bad, you should not be watching it”. BUT, the TV is connected via optical to an older HT receiver (we like it for movies) and that is reduced in my aids also.

I guess my next step is to try a BT streamer and see how that is, but $250.00 is a little high for an experiment. Also would need an optical splitter, but they are inexpensive. Perhaps I can rent? I hate returning things for my stupidity.


I don’t know about the ReSound Vida’s (or use of the Smart 3D app on the iPhone) but for the Quattro’s and Android, the user has no direct control over “automatic” (autosensing) parameters for noise reduction and relative volume. These are presets adjusted by your provider in conjunction with feedback from you. If you go to manual control in the Smart 3D app, then you have freedom to adjust noise reduction and external mic volume. But if you have a rapid environmental change, e.g. loud noise, no speech present to soft sound environment with speech present, the rapid switch can cause a several second delay in adjustment to the new environment under certain circumstances.

Not sure if I found the best past post on the topic of autosensing and noise reduction, relative environments but for each dB difference in autosense programming (forget whether it’s noise reduction or sound volume), it can take an additional second to adjust - so if there’s a 5 dB difference between autosensing environment levels, it will take up to 5 secs to adjust etc. If you search on previous Quattro posts by me, you might find a precise reference to a ReSound Audiology Online course that discusses this behavior.

Thanks. I discussed this with my pro; he says he remains stumped. We have 3 television sets in the house; it only occurs on the Samsung. It occurs whether or not I use the optical out to my home theater receiver. It ACTS, but that is impossible, right, like the samsung says “lower your gain”.

I’m toying with a streamer, but otherwise, will live with it.