Costco 312 Battery Life Study in KS9s

Curious why shorter battery life influences your streaming (or lack there of) behavior. I wouldn’t think cost should be much of an issue. Hassle changing batteries? Dexterity/vision issues? Concerned about wastefulness? Both BTE and RIC have advantages and disadvantages. Since thread was originally about Costco’s KS9 I’ll add that Costco will replace wax filters for free or give you some to change on your own.

That’s good to know about Costco can replace wax filter at no charge.

My audiologist’s service is to give out the batteries, 6 months cleaning, replacing wire and office visits for free if you purchase hearing aids from her. Wax guard package is exception. I’m guessing every service is different.

312 is for smaller hearing aids , so far I know that ric is one of them. And battery life is shorter. But with streaming it’s a lot shorter. I don’t know why but maybe it’s the size as compared to big size like 13A (for bte).

You can buy cheaper battery (mercury free) on Amazon rather than buying from audiologist. Just compare the price and know what’s best for you. I honestly like Mercury free it lasts longer.

Batteries are available at great price from Hearing Tracker website and Costco. Yes, streaming uses more electricity and as you’ve noticed batteries won’t last as long. Different RIC hearing aids are available with 10 (really small), 312 and 13 batteries. I would have gotten size 13 battery if it had been available in KS9, but it was not. Really hasn’t been a big deal. My batteries last 5 days and they’re cheap.

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I’ve been using Duracell activair 312s for my Opn1s. I’ve been getting about the same results, average of 5.0 days per battery. Not too bad considering they only cost 27.5 cents each.

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Do you use streaming too?

I’m sorry to be so long in responding to a question that was asked of me. I buy my Rayovac 312 batteries on Amazon. The price varies widely so who ever has the best price and positive reviews is who I use. Also what I purchased were fresh batteries based on the mfg date on the container.

Thanks for this information.
This helps with discussions pertaining to zinc air batteries versus rechargeable batteries.
It also explains why zinc air battery life has dropped so much since all the wireless aids have come out.
Thanks again

Don’t think I’ve commented here yet but I’ve seen an average of 4 days, and that’s with a moderate amount of streaming and phone calls during the day.

Costco batteries are less than 20 cents each. I get 3 to 4 days with a lot of streaming. If I don’t stream I might get 5 or 6 days? So worst case (3 days vs 6) it would cost me 6 cents per day vs 13 cents per day or 7 cents a day to stream.

Pasted a spread sheet below but the format is awful. Also rounding makes it to look wrong in places.

| Cost| Count| per Battery|
| $9| 48| $0.19|

||Cost per day||
|Days| 1 Battery| 2 Batteries|
|1 | $0.19 | $0.38 |
|2 | $0.09 | $0.19 |
|3 | $0.06 | $0.13 |
|4 | $0.05 | $0.09 |
|5 | $0.04 | $0.08 |
|6 | $0.03 | $0.06 |
|7 | $0.03 | $0.05 |

I am so happy that it dawned on me before finalizing my order for my receiver in canal aids, that the same aids but using size 13 batteries or only just negligibly larger so I asked for that instead of the 312 aids she said I needed based on my power demand…
I pretty much easily get a solid week, really more like 8 days

With the few brands I’ve tried, I’ve had the best luck overall using amazon brand. solidy over 7 days…

I read through the thread, but apologize if this was previously mentioned. I have Brio2s and get 10-12 days from size 13 batts. @ ~12 hrs/day. I chose the Brio 2s partly because of the extended batt time of the 13s. The 312s were getting 6-7 days at that point (per the audio tech).

No biggie, but additional days - fewer changes. He also explained that rechargeable were somewhat convenient, but as the battery is recharged over time, there might be degradation in the duration they last during the day. What if they die after 12 hours and you are just getting ready to watch Monday Night Football? Also, if they fail and need replacement = $$$. He steered me away from them at that time. Rechargeble isn’t the reason for my post here.

At the time the Brio 2s were introduced, about 5 yrs ago, I had a several discussions with the Costco tech about the merits of the longer lasting batts and / or rechargeable. He made a comment a couple of times that Bluetooth tech wasn’t embedded in hearing aids because of the additional drain on batteries. I suspect you are losing 1-2 days use on the 312s in the KS9s because of the Bluetooth. Given the cost of batts, not a bad trade-off for the convenience and clarity of the audio.

As an aside, I have been a happy user of an app called Tunity (I have no personal reason or any gain for sharing this - only happy experience). It is a slick app that lets you sit in a crowded/noisy bar or at a family gathering and point your phone to a TV. It connects by Bluetooth, identifies the channel and pipes the audio right into your aids. Nobody even knows tou can hear it. Pretty cool.

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I just looked at this app and it looked fab but isn’t available to me in the UK, never mind!

The 312s in my KS9s last from 4-7 days, and I’m content with that. Putting in new batteries isn’t exactly a burden, and I carry a pair with me in a pocket all the time.

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Without any streaming or BT, my KS9 312 zinc air batteries give about 4 days with average of 4-6 hrs/day use. My cookie bite loss is only for Human Voice range & with solitary housebound life during Covid, I’m not listening to Humans all that much. Thus, I’m not wearing them so much, whether that is auditorily correct, I don’t know. Anyway, my guess is it that the 312 are not that greatly affected by streaming/BT, but that is guesstimates from me. Using PowerOne stainless steel batteries.

That seems like poor battery life. I get about 5 days with about 12 hrs use and with some streaming from both computers and TV via TV connect.

I get between 4~5 days battery life regardless of brand. I change them every 4 days so I don’t get caught with a dead hearing aid.

Might be a good time to consider rechargeable batteries.

Amazing amount of landfill waste, and that’s only one user.

I tried RayoVac 312s with my K9s. I find I get just under 5 days of life, versus 4+ days with the Kirkland branded 312s. In both cases, I wore my aids about 15 hours a day, of which 3 hours were streaming.

I agree that batteries shouldn’t go in landfills. I bring them to a recycler. Also, they actually take up very little space. I kept them in an old prescription bottle and all the batteries used in a year barely filled the bottle past the half way point.

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