Costco 2024 - Jabra Enhance Pro 20 vs Philips 9040


Regarding your comment of updating to the Galaxy S24 Ultra (which I also have): I have been told by Jabra Customer Service that the S24 is not yet on the JEP 20 approved list, which is disappointing as the S24 has been out now for several months.

With that said, the S24 is working with the JEP 20s for me for phone calls, so am giving Jabra a pass for a few more weeks for other functions which I have not yet tried.

As far as the app goes, it is essentially the same as the older Resound app, which I was familiar with. From that perspective, am not having an issue.

Regarding the Philips 9050, if I can’t get the JEP 20s to address my concerns, I will return them and wait a bit and see what the 9050 will do.

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billgem, that is an intriguing option. will talk to the Costco HA tech about that feature this week. Am a bit disappointed now that the tech/fitter (whatever they call themselves) didn’t even mention this and who didn’t want to install other programs on my phone when receiving the JEP 20s.

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Wish I could offer some helpful comments, but I cannot, since I don’t use an Android phone. Several people have replied at length, tho’, so I’m hoping that helps you. Good luck! :+1:

Costco HCPs (hearing care professionals) do not hear about updates till a week before they arrive.

I heard the Phillips 9050s will arrive to the US but have not heard a definitive word that they would be at Costco yet. Still waiting.

Besides toggling Bluetooth, I really like my EP 20s with the S23s and streaming music sounds great to me after my HCP cranked up the bass across the lower frequencies and switched from default open to closed domes. HCPs do not tend to fit for music streamers like me…The app is really good…one of the best rated out there.

There is a wide range of capabilities among Costco HCPs. The beauty of their system is that you don’t have to stick with the one you start with. Next time you’re in Costco, go to the Hearing Aids Dept and just ask whoever us available if s/he knows about setting the gain at 90% with it programmed to gradually increase over several months. (Mine was for 6 months.) if you can find one after a few visits, ask to switch to her/him or ask to have that HCP explain it to yours. If you have more than one Costco within a reasonable distance and you find somebody, you can go there instead. (I have half a dozen Costcos within a similar distance from me.)


RSW, forgot to reply to your post. Yes, I did have REM measurements done, which makes this so surprising and disappointing at the same time.

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billgem & all,
Appreciate all the comments and advice, I feel much better now to try to get the Costco HA tech/fitter to adjust these HAs. And yes, there are multiple Costco’s in the area, 2 are rather close, so will give it a solid try again. May change fitters as well. Going to Costco Wednesday with a list of concerns to see what happens.

Plan B: if no satisfaction within the next month or so…we’ll see…


Just wondering if you have an update @smcc

I’m desperately trying not to make an old school joke here,along the lines of, “maybe the two are the same?”…but I would deserve a rebuke from our knowledgeable and wonderful and beautiful female members.

Apologies for the late update. Been trying to evaluate these HAs with new settings. Still not sure…

A couple of weeks ago I said I was going back to Costco to get adjustments, and I did. The same HA tech (see my comments above regarding my thoughts about him) adjusted my HAs and asked for me to come back in 6 months. Interestingly, the HA tech told me that I needed to remain with him throughout the adjustment period, as different techs have different approaches. He refused to place these on an auto-update the settings (changing the gain as mentioned earlier), and said I had to come in to get them readjusted. He also did not want to install any additional programs, saying they were unnecessary with newer HAs. However, I did ask for them, and a newer tech installed the Hear in Noise, Outdoor, and music/TV program, which some of you on this thread recommended.

Well, that adjustment lasted 2 days. The hearing aids were now tuned so low I heard ZERO noise regardless of what I was setting my app to, including the music/TV program, which has zero noise attenuation. Not only noise was not noticeable, the new adjustments placed these HAs as marginally better than my old ones.

So, back to Costco, this time ready to return the HAs as unsuitable. However, the original tech did not want to see me, and I ended up with the senior tech. He actually showed me where my HAs should be, and adjusted them to that level. He also added in the adjustable front focus feature for the Hear in Noise program. Now I hear noise, but not at an objectionable level. More on this in a moment.

Personal opinion about the original HA tech. I could be wrong, but at this time believe he adjusted my HAs the first time way too high, and then way too low. Not sure what his motivation was, but it could have been because he had originally recommended the Philips 9040, and I did not want them due to the rumors of the “soon” 9050 coming out. I do know he avoided me at my 2nd appointment. Have thought of writing a complaint letter to Costco, but have resisted the urge so far. It is hard not to suspect that he wanted me to come back in 6 months after the official return period, so he could tell me it is all my fault and I couldn’t return the HAs at that point. I would not recommend him to anyone.

Ok, back to the HAs performance. I am still in my personal trial period, and trying to figure these out, and experimenting with different settings, with & without the noise cancellation button toggle in the app. Speech recognition is improved a bit (jeffrey may have a point in the earlier post :smile: ), and I can use the Music/TV program w/o noise cancellation when watching movies and such. Still, I hear more noise than I want to without the noise cancellation on, and still trying to get used to it.

At this point, the Jabra’s are better than my old Resounds, but am still uncertain if they are the right HAs for me. Am going to give them a few more weeks at least. Am still using the open domes for now. Will try to report back at that time.

In the meantime, if anyone hears updates regarding the Philips 9050, would like to hear there experiences as well.

Thx to all who have helped me with their suggestions. It has made this “experience” more tolerable.

Apologies to all for the long post. Too much coffee since 3 AM!


A review: I’ve included a lot of information here for newbies that long-term users may not be interested in.
Received my new JPE20s on Monday (4/6/24). The sound quality when first put into my ears (before any fitting/REM attempts), compared to my 5-yr old Phonaks, was amazing - clear, undistorted, not crackly. But then the Costco fitter opted to ‘make them better’ with an REM (Real Ear Measurement). Bad move - sounded like I was in the bottom of a very deep bass drum. After a few minutes of unsuccessfully tweaking, he reset them to the out-of-the-box status and all was good again. Then repeated the REM, which helped slightly. Side note here - he’s a long-term HA wearer.
I’m using custom molds with these. The only installed programs are ‘All Around’ and ‘Hear in Noise’.

Initial results: Setting up (pairing) the JPEs to phone, TV, pre-amp was a breeze. I’m using the “All-around” default mode all the time. No adjustments used. Wife no longer repeats herself 3 times minimum or writes notes; TV volume is reduced from near 20 (evening national news) to 10 (couldn’t really understand it at 20 used CC); am able to understand TV well enough now that reliance on CC is lessening; phone calls through aids are much more understandable - rating improved from 4 to 8, though women with chipmunk voices and accents are still difficult. Battery life from 3 days with old Phonaks to 5 days & counting (disposable, not rechargeable).

I typically wear my aids 15 hrs/day. Fitter recommended I use the electric HA dehumidifier with UV-C Lamp Sanitizer I bought from Costco years ago instead of the storage case. The aids go in there while showering and for 30 minutes after, and at night when sleeping. Apparently, Costco no longer sells that item, though I found one at AMZ for a ridiculous price.
Per instructions from an ENT doc years ago, I also wipe the aids with an alcohol pad, letting them (and my ears) dry before putting them in.

Haven’t been in a noisy environment yet (restaurant) and based on other’s comments, am not expecting a lot of improvement. Will probably opt for the Jabra Multi-Mic for group settings.

Surprisingly, I was able to carry on a back yard conversation with a neighbor. I love that because I’ve been avoiding people/social situations including family gatherings.

Here’s a shout-out to whoever included the graphics/instructions for adding the "Hear in noise option allowing the directional ‘cone of hearing’. My fitter struggled with it until I showed him the instructions I’d copied to my phone from this forum.

Minor annoyances: as an Android S21 Ultra 5G user, I’m able to connect my TVs, PC, and other equipment to the aids (haven’t tried everything yet); can use wireless headphones streaming from TV, amp, etc. device while using aids, although there’s a tiny bit of feedback/squeal in the right aid. Phone calls via aids are very good but cannot use the ‘tap’ aids’ feature to answer/end calls. Must use phone to speak. Not critically important to me. Really dislike the 5 chimes that sound when the phone boots. Fitter said he can eliminate that. The tubes that run from the battery compartment to the aids (speakers) don’t lay flat against the side of my head. That’s a cosmetic/vanity issue.

That’s all so far.

I’ve been using aids for 35+ years and as my hearing has worsened to beyond the initial point of being qualified for cochlear, aid manufacturers have touted improvements to help me hear better. Frankly, I’ve never noticed any until now other than adding phone apps that allow users to tweak settings. The JPE20s have made a significant improvement in my quality of life. I’m as tickled as a poverty child with a new toy on Christmas! And the icing on the cake is, I’m no longer paying between $5K & $6K for a pair of aids. Thanks Costco!


Not sure I understand the logic in this. You didn’t want to try out the Philips 9040 but instead decided to try the Jabra simply because you hear that the 9050 is coming out soon? Regardless of whether the 9050 will come out soon or not, that shouldn’t affect your decision on which aids to try out. What if you never heard that the 9050 is coming out soon? Would you have wanted to try the Philips 9040 then?

If you wanted to try out the Jabra either way, then that’s understandable. But simply not wanting to try the 9040 because you hear the 9050 is coming out soon doesn’t make sense to me, unless you plan on returning the Jabra before the 6 months is up anyway so that you can try the 9050 when it comes out (hopefully before the 6 month return is up). That way you get to experience the flavor of both.

A correction here.
Under “minor annoyances”, I incorrectly said “5 chimes when the phone boots”. That should have been when the aids boot.
And I’d like to add I can now understand Alexa when HE speaks, and lyrics on songs that play are a bit clearer though not good. But my wife who has outstanding hearing complains about lyrics.

I may not have explained it well enough. I wanted to try out the Jabra. The HA tech wanted me instead to get the 9040. I told him no, not interested in the 9040 because of the recent rumors of the 9050, so if I got the 9040s they would be soon be replaced by a newer version.

Don’t intend to turn in the Jabra’s before 6 months, but could if I ultimately decide they are not for me. If the 9050’s came out tomorrow, I would still be trying to adjust to the Jabra’s. On the other hand, if the initial reports of the 9050 are over the top, I may consider them, but not certain of it at this point.

Hopefully that makes clearer sense.

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Thanks, yes, it does.

Update: After 2 months of adjustments, multiple visits to Costco, wildly different gain adjustments, I am going to return the JEP 20s. Overall I am very disappointed in both the HAs and the experiences with the audi techs at a specific location (wildly different adjustments, conflicting advice, and lack of concerns about my issues (audi tech refused to look at my printed out list of issues I was having, and made adjustments anyway).

While the JEP 20s are finally adjusted well for quiet environments, they are sub-par in noisy environments (restaurants or even driving my car at highway speeds) and with intermittent (transient) noises, which are amplified rather than diminished in sound. Even opening a snack (plastic wrapper) is very jarring, with very loud noise sounds.

Combine this with the fact that my Android S24 (newest most powerful Samsung phone) is still not approved as a compatible device, I have had pairing / re-pairing / and more re-pairing issues.
I could go back to Costco for another adjustment, but frankly am tired of spending this much time trying to get these adjusted.

To top it off, the last visit I had to Costco revealed that my older HAs were set at only 80%! They are now adjusted to 110%, and seem to be working much better. Not as good as the JEP 20s in a quiet environment, but better (for me) in a noisy environment.

Will see how good the Costco return process is, as these are slightly over 2 months old.

Interesting to me, while I was in line at Costco for my last visit, the person behind me was returning his new HAs as well, and said that his old ones were better (for him) than the new ones.

Overall, I expect to give the market another year before trying another pair of HAs. When I do, I expect I will go to a different location with different audi techs.


Do you have access to a different Costco? The abilities and attitude of the hearing aid specialists is sort of the luck of the draw. Sorry that you are having that problem. My experience has been different, but luckily, I have access to several Costco stores near by and can change if I need to.

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Raylock1, Thank you for your kind words. Yes, there are other Costcos somewhat close, and will start to talk with them, but not right now. Am a bit overstressed at the overall level of effort expended over the past few months.

JEP20s are now returned (actually, took an appointment and then only 8 minutes to get a refund, no questions asked).

So…will I get the upcoming Philips 9050? Actually am more inclined to give the AI technology time to mature a bit more. I may even buy a OTC hearing aid just as a stopgap measure for a few months or so. :slight_smile:

Or you could pick up a used P90 on Ebay and program it yourself. You would need a Noahlink Wireless, however which you could also get on Ebay or Amazon. Just a thought as an alternative to an OTC.
Good hearing

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When you have the energy to get back to the process of trying out new hearing aids, the Rextons at Costco are very good.

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