ConnexxAir don not detect Silk nx

  • “You do need batteries inserted”
    Why ?? with the flex inserted, there is no battery

  • Do you have a client selected, or no?

  • do you use the Detect feature first?

my installation

You need the battery for power. Look at the first of two arrows;

  1. First Arrow - Insert Battery
  2. Second Arrow - Close battery Door

You will then need to open the battery door slightly to give space to slide the flex strip in and then close the battery door again.

Also; Bad things can happen if you use old batteries, especially during high battery drain when doing a Firmware upgrade.

no there is a pill at the end of the flex.
Silk nx is operating … but Conneixx do not detect it !

That is not a Flex Strip!! That is a programming Adapter/programming Pill. You need to differentiate between the two and you need to get a pair of Flex Strips, not programming Pills. I don’t know how else to explain the dumbass webpage at Hearing Club. How about if I say only click something pointed to by the green arrows;

This is a pair of Flex Strips;

OK I have understood :smiley: Thank you very much
I order a new cable now !:wink:

someone could lend me the right cable

it’s ok now :+1:

Thank you very much

This thread helped me, Thank you all!
and Thanks for