CI Surgery July 1

Congratulations, great news.
Do you happen to have the Nucleus Smart app on your phone? There you can adjust the volume.


Yes, I have the Nucleas Smart App, but I don’t find it easy to use.I guess I need to play with it more. The audiologist sent me home with a little remote set with 4 programs, but now I see I can turn it up more than her settings. I’ll see how that works. Thanks!

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This is why I come to this forum! Now that I can turn the CI louder, I can do more training. I am very grateful!


Glad you discovered that. I was told to go up a level weekly but I found a day or two at each was enough. The volume makes a big difference. It will get clearer. Great start.


We will give you more pointers on that app when you are ready. There are some interesting options on that app that have to be made available by your audiologist. Typically they wait a few months before giving them to you.
You are doing great!



I am writing to you but I hope others will weigh in on this question.

I had my “mapping” 10 days after activation. Basically, it seems that the audiologist turned up the sounds. My next appointment is 5 weeks away. I am concerned I’ll have 5 more weeks of not hearing. She gave me 4 programs and a list of exercises. I am wondering if this is a typical mapping. She did ask if tones were too loud or too soft. She is a nice person but she has not done any tests and I know she is overwhelmed with work. It is difficult to impossible to change audiologists here, because there aren’t any experienced CI ones here. I chose her because she has more experience than the other audiologist I know. I am concerned that the window to make progress will go by, and I will still won’t be able to hear.

If you are hearing noise or sounds you are progressing.
At activation you understood speech, is that correct? That is a huge step in the right direction.
Typically you will get more volume on each mapping session. During those sessions you should also be tested for speech understanding. This will give you a baseline for improvement and it will help the audiologist understand where you are doing good and where you need help. Mappings can be adjusted to improve detailed areas of speech. This took a couple years for me but I didn’t understand any speech for 6-8 weeks after activation. I am now in the mid 90’s for each ear.
Did your audiologist give you different programs that are each steps up in volume? This is typical for the new CI people.

Thanks for your help! Yes, I understood speech at activation and it is getting somewhat better. It’s pretty robotic. If the audiologist is testing anything she is not sharing the results with me. When she did the mapping, I said, “this should help hearing, right?” She said, “I hope so.” Yes, she did give me programs that are steps in volume. I guess she is doing what she needs to do.

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I would say yes. You might ask for your word understanding scores. Tell her you want to know if you are progressing. You can also ask if you are having any trouble areas. That should let her know you are interested. If there are problem areas she can make adjustments for them. It might be too early for this but it won’t hurt to ask.

This might be a good time to start taking some notes on your hearing. Be sure to include the environment you are in for these notes. They will help your audiologist.

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Yes, I have a little notebook for notes, suggested by the Cochlear rep who has 2 CIs. I haven’t known exactly what to put in there yet, but hopefuly I’ll figure it out soon!

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I just saw my original mapping as a “best guess” set of settings. I can’t remember how long until I was seen again but it wasn’t the mappings that made huge differences to comprehension. It was practice practice practice. Subsequent mappings were just fine timings which helped but weren’t the main game.