That’s a good idea! I didn’t think about that. Thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve saved some of my old style packages and move the batteries to them after I’ve cut open one of the new packages with scissors.
Haven’t seen these, but this sounds like a job for a letter writting campaign.
It not just hearing aid batteries… Bought a watch battery same packaging
Great news for us folks with all sorts of tremors. I have Essential Tremors, which aren’t terrible yet, but they are bad enough that I have trouble writing with pen and pencil, and don’t ask me to do anything akin to threading a needle. I can still open packages with shears if the package doesn’t contain something too small, I guess that means these batteries.
Fortunately, my granddaughter lives with us.
Yes, the ones on the CR3025 Duracells I bought for the car fob involved an epic fight too.
Save your old style containers and have them all transferred from the new to the old in one shot when you get a new supply.
OMG!! Just did that with CR2032 Energizer Max for my car fob this AM!
And I have a pretty bad case of E.T.
Sadly, ET is progressive, hopefully yours won’t increase too rapidly.
You are very lucky to have family at home.
As a widower, I go it alone, and try to use humor as a weapon, along with my meds.
Seems to be a bunch of suggestions on youtube
I am so sorry you are tackling these problems alone. My wife make things easier for me, but she still works, from 7 to 5 I was on my own. When my granddaughter moved in, it was like a new light had been turned on. I dread the day she moves out. When she completes her studies at Junior College, she will move on to college, probably in Kansas City. Then it will be just the two of us again.
I can’t imagine being by myself all the time.
I have over the ear AI Starkey. The hearing instrument specialist at my audiologist said that you cannot put the loose batteries, (after you cut them out), together in a container as they will lose strength or not work at all. But he did say that if you use a pill storage container, (I am assuming plastic), he said that you would need one compartment for each separate hearing aid battery, so the battery does not discharge and go bad. He is encouraging me to go with the rechargeable hearing-aids, but I am very hesitant to do so because of running out of the charge or if there is no electricity to plug in the recharging device. He says that the charge for the rechargeable should last up to 50 hours. But my hours are crazy as I am up late at night, just busy with life. Even with stainless steel kitchen scissors, the battery package is super hard to cut open, even when you cut on the little bubble between each battery. I am looking at the possibility of getting very sharp, folding embroidery scissors and see if that will work. And just to mention, I do not have arthritis in my hands; and they are strong. I can’t begin to imagine what others are going through who do have arthritis in their hands struggling to open these packages. And if the embroidery scissors work, I will need 3 pairs: one for the home and one for in the glove compartment of my car and one for my purse.
There is a tiny bubble between each battery which is where you are supposed to cut. The reason being is that the bubble is pressed into the package so that the only way to open it is to cut that bubble and then try and peel back the plastic to release the battery for use. I feel for you, especially with arthritis.
Might need to try a pill compartment carrier. Each single battery needs its own compartment, per my hearing instrument specialist; otherwise, they will discharge and no longer be good. He said that he went to class for the new and updated hearing aids with others like himself, and they tried everything to see if the batteries would be useful when cut out and put into a container. He said no. But I am going to see about getting a couple of pill cases, in plastic to see if it works with keeping each battery in its own compartment. I am searching online now to buy several folding pairs, with protective cases, of very sharp embroidery shears to keep for cutting out the batteries. One for home, one for my purse, (I carry a body cross over), and one for the glove compartment in my car. However, he did say that the over the ear, StarKey hearing aids, AI, when charged should last 50 hours, But, as you can tell I am very hesitant to go with the rechargeable hearing aids for obvious reasons. Should there be any power failures or what not, for several days, then you are out of luck unless you want to buy a rechargeable battery pack at Walmart is what he told me.
I can tell you, the MINUTE I read about that IDIOTIC (sorry, it’s the truth!) “childproof” packaging of hearing aid batteries I surfed up to Amazon and bought a year’s supply of Duracell 312s in the slim plastic case. Granted, I can’t stock up like Fort Knox cuz these batteries have an optimum shelf life, but I VOW to save my last hard plastic case of Duracell batteries and just keep using that. I’ll have to hack, saw, pry and cut a few fingers every time I re-load it, but I don’t want to be in a rush and then be stuck with batteries in a package that’s IMPOSSIBLE to open quickly.
Call me “politically incorrect” but I feel that folks keep pushing THEIR responsibility onto everyone else. The majority of lives will be inconvenienced and even suffer occasional wounds cuz parents or pet owners aren’t handling their OWN supplies of these things in a safe manner. Where do we draw the line? There are household cleaning supplies, apartment complex stairs to negotiate, open balconies, good sharp KNIVES in the kitchen, on and on … At some point WE have to be more aware and take responsibility for things WE have control over.
When my in-laws dog ATE one of my hearing aids I didn’t lobby my congressperson to enact a law whereby owners of pets in their OWN home are liable for their pet eating a guest’s hearing aid. No. I took responsibility for my own foolishness. I had to pay for a new aid and learn that they need to be secured from pets when I’m in someone else’s house.
Yes, it’s a tragedy that these horrible deaths occur. But for the entire rest of the world to now bear the burden seems unreasonable. I’ve yet to actually BUY the childproof packaged aids - cuz one look at it and I found my blood BOILING at yet another over-reach into my life thanks to carelessness on the part of others.
Sorry for the rant, but thanks for asking us.
(edit: Duracell 312’s in slim plastic case!)
I think as long as the colored sticker is still on the battery that discharge should not be an issue. Putting them back in the old style packaging material is convenient.
Apparently if stored loosely even with sticker on them they still discharge. Not sure I get this but the old packaging works great.
Thanks for that link to the Youtube video. Yep. That’s about what I imagined I’d be in for come the day I actually buy my batteries in one of these childproof packages.
A little termagent in my mind wants me to have the folks who enacted this law do it for me. But that would entail mailing, postage, USPS delays going and coming …
Ah, I’ll just invent a new cussword instead.
Bjs seems to be carrying the Duracell cases too. I don’t remember if was under their brand but I thought so.
There used to be a dial type birth control pill dispenser that would be perfect but as I recall the spaces are too small for a battery, bummer. Not sure what exists now.
As for the scissors I haven’t found any embroidery scissors that will cut through that much cardboard and plastic! The closest might be the ones that look like kindergarten blunt nose scissors. I found a children’s scissor that has a longer handle for leverage, that still has blades just short of the 4 inches TSA says Mae’s them legal —- I haven’t tested that yet but as far as I’m concerned they are medical equipment anyway. I’m not crazy about their cutting but I don’t think anything short of tin snips will work better!
The law is stupid! If you leave your hearing aids on a bed table the batteries are accessible. If you throw them away they can be accessible. But children only get into the ones that are packaged? Yesh, right!