I lost one of my Phonak Audeo Marvel hearing aids and can’t afford a new replacememt. I’m thinking of buying a used set from Ebay and programming with Target. My biggest concern is many of the newer aids have non replaceable batteries. Can anyone suggest a Phonak model that has bluetooth and user replaceable rechargeable battery? It would be nice if it was compatible with my existing Phonak accessories.
Welcome to the forum!
Both the Paradise and Lumity Audeo aids have disposable battery models with Bluetooth (e.g the Pxx-312 and Lxx-312 models). I also see Marvels with disposable batteries on Ebay if you only need one. All should be compatible with Phonak accessories. If you choose to program yourself, you will need the Noahlink wireless. Target is available on this forum and there is a great community to help if you decide to self program.
I am sure that someone that has disposable battery aids and/or who have bought on Ebay will have some more information. Since you are planning on DIY, sometimes “trial” hearing aids appear on Ebay at a cheap price. They must be reset every few months but that is not an issue if you have Target and they might be inexpensive enough that you might not care that they are rechargable. Good Luck.
I can’t recommend exactly what you want, but I recently did something stupid and lost my KS9s from Costco, which were the equivalent of the Marvels. I really loved them and just couldn’t make myself settle for any of the non-Phonak models Costco now has. I’m not where the Sennheisers are being offered.
So I bought Phonak Lumity 90s on ebay. And I got the user replaceable 312 battery model. The seller actually checked with me to be sure I really meant that. Evidently they’ve had people order those and then be upset when they got them instead of rechargeables, and here I am the opposite. (They did have rechargeable listings at the time and as I remember so did another American seller.)
I also see listings for just one aid if that would work for you.
Anyway, they did first-fit programming from the hearing test I sent. I do have a wireless Noahlink and got the Target software from a nice person in the DIY forum and plan to do some tweaking but am not in any hurry as the first fit is pretty good.
I hate to look at aids on ebay again because I think prices have come down in just the short time since I got mine and don’t want to know, but the seller was Genesis Hearing in Colorado and while it took some back and forth over problems getting the hearing test to them because of ebay trying to stay between seller and buyer and things like that, they were very cooperative and got everything done quite efficiently.
Thanks Ellen. Yes, not exactly what i wanted, but worth considering. How much do the batteries cost and how long do they last?
Do you have any idea where you lost it?
If you do, use the Bluetooth from the aid to your phone to find it.
The batteries last me 4 days, but I don’t stream. Have been watching tv lately at night and use Phonak tv connector. Anyway, I just pick up a pack at Costco when I need them and can’t even tell you how much they are. Looks like on Amazon they cost about $.44 each? I got a box of them with the aids and a package of domes (all kinds so not much use as I only need small power domes) and a box of wax guards.
The only downside for me is the batteries come in this blasted child-proof packaging these days, which is a royal pain. But if you like rechargeables, you should get them. Downside there is you won’t find user replaceable rechargeables. You’d have to send them in before the end of the warranty to get them replaced.
The Lumitys work with my older Tracfone just like the KS9s and same with the tv connector. Costco always set those up for me so I had to fiddle a bit, but it wasn’t hard to get things going.
I have purchased several pairs of aids on Market place have a look at these :
The lost HA battery runs down after less than a day, makkng this impossible.
Yeah the limitations of a rechargeable I guess.
My wife has lost a KS9 two different times. They run on 312 batteries. Using the phones hearing aid app we dialed in on it each time with success. The second time it was missing 3 days before it was found!