At one time all BTE hearing aids had a built in receiver in the HA body, which was located behind the ear. Then (as far as I know) in the early 2000’s a switch was made to remove the receiver from the HA and relocate it inside the ear mold. The rationale behind the move was too locate the receiver closer to the ear canal, ear drum, inner ear thus improving hearing aid performance. At the time it was some what of a radical change that I’m not sure all HA manufactures followed.
Now fast forward to 2020 and I believe some HA manufactures are only offering “receiver in HA body” to be worn behind the ear. Which is very confusing to me. I’ve trialed M90 to be told receiver is in HA body and when receiver wears out it has to be sent to shop for replacement. I also think Widex has gone back and forth (depending on Widex aid) with receiver in aid versus receiver in mold.
So my question is why the ping-pong back and forth and uncertainty as to the proper location of a HA receiver? Also if one has worn a ITE receiver (in custom mold) for years, would it be hard to adapt or accept a power hearing aid with receiver back in the HA body? Based on the assumption that the location of a HA receiver will impact one’s level of hearing.
So now it seems we are “back to the future” and I wonder if the jury’s out as to the best location of receiver with a behind the ear hearing aid.