Bose Hearphones versus Alango BeHear NOW

I have a pair of BeHear’s at home that I use to listen out for my kids while watching TV at night (after my wife is asleep). They work great when paired to my Apple TV box, and switch back and forth to my phone. However, I have not tried any of the hearing improvement features, and curious if anyone in this forum has?

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By the way, this thing is on sale for $199 right now. I do not get any money when you purchase, so no incentive for me other than just found this product useful… I have no hearing loss, but the product does offer some amplification for those with milder forms of hearing loss. For me, I found the sound quality good, and use it to watch TV when the kids are asleep. It pairs with my Apple TV.

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By far, the best feature about Bose, Hearphones or headphones, is the great active noise cancellation. This cheap copy seems to lack this feature.

Not sure you read the comparison article I posted :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you didn’t look at the comparison chart that you posted.

Maybe there is a missing checkmark… Thanks for spotting that, and now I can only blame myself for you being wrong :slight_smile:

(Updated the comparison table on the article, thanks again)