Bluetooth connections limitations

I’ve been using Kirkland 10s for a couple years. One annoyance is the fact that, while I can bring sound through them from my iPhone and iPad, they won’t connect to my Mac Mini. I have to swap them out for some Bluetooth earbuds to listen to my Mini. Is this a universal limitation on connecting to a computer? Anyone have ideas why?

If you restart your BT master aid (typically the left one), it should show up in Bluetooth settings as a “nearby device” and you should be able to pair with it. Works slicker than snot for me with my p90 aids. But I use a TV connector and leave them unpaired with the mac.


The best explanation yet.

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I use an IPhone, an android tablet, a Microsoft Surface, and a Mac every day and connect to airline entertainment systems regularly. My Phonak Lumitys, and before that Marvels, connect all that without problems. Others, not at all or not well.

While connectivity is great at least for me the most important thing is speech understanding in all environments. My if I was still working I would have to depend on connectivity more. But as a retired IT professional/electronics technician I understand how to deal with connectivity issues. When I was working I found that a good set of headphones over my hearing aids was the best setup and stress relief. And I still prefer headphones over my ears and aids.

Thanks for sharing this! This is a great explanation for our Bluetooth issues!