Are any hearing aids good for streaming in a noisy environment?

This situation is when the new class of wireless ear buds excels–think Air Pods–although now there are new brands coming out every week, it seems. Many of then are terrific solutions for many hearing needs. Lots of people who are experiencing hearing loss would do just fine with modern/streaming ear buds, never mind the more-expensive ‘hearing aids’. I’m still delighted with my Bose Hearphones (wired) after 3 years. Unfortunately, they are no longer manufactured, although they do show up for resale on eBay. Many ear buds feature ‘noise-cancelling’.

On an iPhone you can set AirPods to adjust for your audiogram.

Thanks for this add-on!
I wonder if the noise-cancelling kicks in on top of that, so you’d get excellent help hearing, plus the diminuition of external noise when it happens? I imagine so. I wish some Air-Pod (and other ear bud) owners would weigh in on this Forum and give us the benefit of their experiences!

I mute my hearing aids microphones then stream my audiobook or music and even phone calls at times

Here you go-- How to Set Up your Apple Airpods Pro as Hearing Aids: Guide and Review 2023 - YouTube

The Airpod Pro was what I thought of straight away. No hearing aid is going to match it for noise cancellation- or sound quality I expect. And if it’s set up with their audiogram, they should be able to get by if they need to converse with someone on their walk.

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I’m not sure if this is helpful, but I’ll chime in anyway, since I was wearing an earlier version of the same brand. With my Signia Pure hearing aids, which required the EasyTek to stream, it was wonderful at automatically adjusting the volume when there was noise while streaming podcasts. So if I was walking down a busy street, as a car passed the volume of streamed sound would increase. There was no need to do some of the things people are suggesting, like turning down or off the mics. I think environmental awareness is important while out on the street, and I wouldn’t want to be without the ability to hear what was going on around me.

I have Stylettos 7 AX, which I self program and initially they sounded horribly when streaming.
As already mentioned, you need domes/sleeves more on the closed side.
Secondly, there is an option, which is on by deafault, to auto-adjust streaming volume (and it’s terrible), and right beside it a one which allows you to set how much of the outside (meaning mics) you want to have mixed in (70% by default). On top of that you can have a profile set up to reduce noise from the outside.
You won’t get crazy bass with HAs but I’m shocked how much clarity, sound separation and locality I’m getting.

I’ve got a new phone which has BT 5 and android 13, and tested streaming with it. At 80% volume and with Noisy Environment profile lowered a bit, it easily drowns any background noise, windy weather and busy road, on the train, etc.

Thanks to all who have offered advise and opinions.
It has become obvious to me that my audiologist did not do any fitting beyond the bare minimum “first fit” configuration. In particular, she did not enable Adaptive Streaming, which would likely have gone a long way towards making my HAs functional for streaming on the street.
I will take this up with her in my first followup appointment in 2 weeks.

Adaptive Streaming is ON by default, you want it off most likely, otherwise, from my experience it will set loudness below what you want.
And yes, most of the audios do bare minimum, I had my audiogram done in 5db increments. After I redid it myself in 1db increments [which takes more time obviously] the HAs sound so much better.

I have phonak lumity 70, while streaming background noise is too high and I’m unable to adjust to Reduce background noise could you please help me with this issue

This can be adjusted in Phonak target software, it’s called microphone attenuation, I don’t use Phonak but do you use the App.

yes I use phonak, mobile app…but I don’t see any microphone attenuation in mobile app

It’s called ambient balance.Adjustment using a slider for stream/surround.

I wouldnt stream on the street. You need to be aware. In any other loud environment, mute the hearing aid mics.

While streaming, you normally also can use the HAs buttons to adjust the balance between environment and streaming source. UP: streaming source louder than environment. DOWN: vice versa.
This is the setting by default. Your audi might have disablef this, if it does not work.

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Right, Phonaks handle this very well (either using the HA buttons or the app). In the default setting I can both listen to a TV streamer or, when outside, to podcasts (over Bluetooth) and still converse with people around me when needed. Since the HAs are programmed not to amplify loud noise (like traffic) I rarely need to override this balance.