Anybody else also having trouble installing connexx 8.5.10

Just found this seems to kind of know problem in Virtualbox. :frowning:

So either i will need to switch to another virtual machine software supporting cpuIDs or really invest in real hardware. :frowning:

Cheaper than that Apple stuff you have :slight_smile:

just for record and to whom it may interest…
I tried all the same with the parallels for mac (current Version 14) …
and in contrast to signias connexx 8.5.10 works without problems there
under parallels.
So it really seems as long as virtualbox developers are not willing to fix this (since years already)
one has to stick to a paid virtual machine software (like vmware or parallels) or use real hardware.

Small Update: i meanwhile bought the virtual machine software “parallels 14” for mac and can now really say it works very well with win10+signia Connexx 8.5.10 and even the noahlink wireless usb programmer passed through to it works like a charm there. Already used it many times to program some HAs and never had any problems from now on. Neither with software nor hardware access. And it even is way faster/responsive than in comparison to when ran under VirtualBox.