There is a special setting you can try without burning up your one remaining audi visit. It’s called the MoreSound Booster and it’s an option which you can only find in the Oticon ON app. Next time you’re in a difficult environment like at your doctor office, try to enable it to see if it helps. It’s supposed to help suppress the surrounding sounds to help allow you to focus more on the sounds in front. Your audi can probably create a program that has a similar effect to the MoreSound Booster option, but why do that when you can readily already have it at your fingertip through the ON app anytime you need it.
On your second question, I don’t really know which Oticon model you’re referring to by “Oticon 3”. Are you saying the Oticon OPN 3? Or the Oticon OPN S3? Anyway, the More should have the same equivalent MoreSound Optimizer to the OPN S OpenSound Optimizer, which is the advanced feedback prevention technology (the original OPN doesn’t have this). It’s possible that in your OPN S3 (if that’s what you had), you had it set to “Full ON” or Normal, but in your More 1, your audi only set it to Low (see screenshot below for an example of Feedback Management setting at the bottom of the screenshot). If so, then have your audi set it to Normal to see if it helps.
It used to be Full ON (Normal now) of OFF before in the OPN S. But some people reported hearing fluttering/warbling sounds at times with it. So Oticon updated the firmware to give people another option to reduce the effect of this MoreSound Optimizer feedback management, which results in a new setting called Low.