Alternatives to rem and their effectiveness

I added 5dB

Ah OK, so you moved the feedback threshold up by 5db.

In my case, this is something that the REM must have done automatically based on my ear canal shape and also taking into account the mold type Iā€™m wearing.


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That does sound likely

I use overtune also to prevent gain reduction, but I was always wondering what the trade off is. I assume this causes the feedbackmanager to kick in more often or sooner (Whistling block is automatically set to max as soon as overtuning is activated)
So the question arises: whatā€™s worse, reduced gain or the feedbackmanager doing its magic?

Iā€™ve been into all the Autosense programmes, in all 3 sets of hearing aids since doing this and Whitleblock was where it was before at #8. However, they were sustainably whistling. Iā€™ve moved them all to #13 which stopped it, but I suspect you may be right, and whistleblock may have invisibly taken those gains away. I read about maxing Whistleblock in remote programming, hopefully itā€™s just that. I could live with that, as the Music program isnā€™t affected.

Iā€™ll have a fiddle this afternoon, to see how low a number I can get away with. I can test it all tonight at the quiz night.

If this doesnā€™t get the results Iā€™m after, Iā€™ll restart with something like +3dB, instead of +5dB.

If that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™ll work on individual frequencies, MPOā€™s and G80, G65 and G50.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be a sweet spot, as raising the high graphic doesnā€™t cause feedback. Itā€™s just nice to get over that dotted line :slight_smile:


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Thereā€™s a discussion you may like here: REM vs In-situ. I do in-situ audiometry as REM is not really an option where I live.

thank youā€¦i will check it out.

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Yesterday I did new Audiogram Directs on all aids, with also new UCL tests (discomfort levels). I made them all ā€˜less harshā€™.

Just been in to Target to try and reduce Whistlebock and got them all back down to #8.

So many variables, and as usual, too many changes in one go lol :laughing:

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Thanks Peter! very interesting. Looks easy; hope it is.


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Marvel M70 by far the best program on 1st attempt in company, much more clarity than both Paradise sets. Strange

Iā€™ve been in setup H*LL for over 2-1/2 years with my Audeo Paradise P90 Rā€™s.

Finally made headway a week ago.

Frankly Iā€™ve felt Iā€™d fallen down a rabbit hole.

My Audi fired me 9 months ago. He provided them. After 2 months I found a hearing aid specialist 2 cities away. He used the same Audiogram the Audi had provided. I heard somewhat better if not well enough.

The Audi had made 2 or more mistakes. L and R hearing aids were not set to talk together. And wrong domes

Not a fan.


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I went to my third audiologist and was extremely happy with the results. They followed the best practices procedures and of course do the rem as a standard. But I think the difference I experienced was she seemed more in-tuned to best care, rather than quick sales I felt was the direction of the last audiologist. Giving the last audiologist only and 5 star ratings, leads me to think they were manipulated.

Just one example is the first audiologist took 3 tries to realize I needed a power receiver, while the second one knew this right off the back without even putting a ā€œdemoā€ in my earā€¦they both had the test results and based on that alone the manufacture would set the guidelines of what would be bestā€¦being he didnā€™t get that at first was my first red flag. then he didnā€™t want to do custom moldsā€¦another red flagā€¦I had two audiologist right off the bat sayā€¦you would do best with a custom mold. There are many more examples, but in shortā€¦night a day difference in service with you know they are using ā€œbest practices guidelinesā€ā€¦I go back in a couple weeks for my fist fittingā€¦very excited againā€¦up to now, I been more worried than excited.


I talked to him today. He said that the REM didnā€™t really unlock the feedback threshold, that was caused by a concurrent feedback test I did during the REM session.
REM just changed (quite a lot) the fitting within the parameters set by tue audiogram and feedback test.


I look back on my last two sets of hearing aids. Iā€™ve had 3 pair of Phonaks from workmanā€™s comp

What Iā€™m happy about

  • I have workmanā€™s comp. Exposure to noise
  • I got help from a new audiologist when I couldnā€™t hear behind me. My current hearing aids help keep me safe on active construction sites.

What Iā€™m unhappy about

  • last two Audis couldnā€™t make my hearing aids work
  • itā€™s really stressful getting replacement hearing aids that work
  • Phonak stil has not solved the receiver wax guard problem. Phonak Canada says they have never heard of the new 5.0 receivers that take the old waxguard. I heard this myself when my specialist called in. I need 5.0 Power Receivers
  • I had to have both 4.0 Power Receivers replaced yesterday. Again. The tiny and awful waxguards donā€™t fit right. Often off centre. Then I have a heck of a time taking out the old one.

These receivers and waxguards are dangerous and affect my safety. I canā€™t hear properly

Iā€™ve just ordered a pair of the Unitron Vivantes with Cerustops as the filter option - in the U.K.