We with hearing loss have no real community

that is a good idea, to remind people that you have your hearing aids out. I will try that. It is a struggle for me to go out to a restaurant with a group also. I have mostly now just go to quiet places or go out with fewer people at a small table.


The isolation is real. Getting a cochlear implant has helped me immensely. I don’t get it all, but I get enough to participate and probably as much as others my age without hearing aids. Hope technology continues to improve. The member who posted they were getting to the point they wouldn’t have time for a CI to be useful: When I was talking to people about CI prior to getting mine, one person I spoke to by phone was so helpful. At then end I asked her age: She was 89 and had gotten her implant at 87!


I know. Good for you and thanks for your service. I am not an veteran. I was born with severe hearing impairment.


Well said! Thanks for your description!

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This group has done this for me too. I now ‘own’ my hearing loss, and it’s fundamentally me that can solve the issues. 18 months ago, I was a slave to our UK health authority, and had to just go with their very fast, first fit programming, often waiting weeks for unsatisfactory adjustments. This is no longer the case. I couldn’t have done any of this outside of this group.

I can hear the TV better than my wife, who gets annoyed at a clock ticking three rooms away :grinning:



Excellent Peter

Someone here recommended a book that changed my life.

Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss

Shari Eberts
Gael Hannan

The change? I felt I was a victim being hard of hearing. The book gave me tools to use so I might communicate better.


I read it, on your recommendation. Loads of useful tips


Same hear with the recommendation of Hear and Beyond. Thank you OP!

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I look at jury duty as a responsibility that I need to honor.

I see jury duty something i am no longer capable of doing properly


Then you shouldn’t do it.

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Many years ago, l received a jury summons and reported for duty. At the courtroom, l asked the judge if he can turn up the sound system a bit doing the jury selection process and they accepted me. I was expecting to be an jury and the defense party and Judge decided to make me an alternative juror so they told me l can leave the courtroom. I wasn’t happy with the process because l am a very good lip reader. Never again will l be an juror. I answered all the juror questions in the jury selection process.

LOL! I’m always translating TV shows for normal-hearing hubs here - who goes CRAZY if he hears a tiny tinkling bell on a doodad I bought in Japan to decorate my purse handle.



I can totally get the uninformed BIAS in a courtroom setting. Defense and prosecutor won’t even risk a shadow of a doubt about folks who use hearing devices and/or read lips, but ironically, they don’t test the hearing of ALL the jury candidates, now do they?

Ah, I was GLAD to have a doctor’s note put in my file decades ago saying “This gal’s got cinderblock ears that’ll only get worse. On top of which, she’s cranky and opinionated and will sway your other jurors based on what she thinks she’s heard.”

That’s all it took. I never got another juror notice in the mail again - across 3 states and 30+ years, LOL! Why tell anyone about Roger devices? They’d only be Doubting Thomases about the power of these devices.


Is any young adult in here suffering from hearing loss. I am looking to connect with others!

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It’s best book I’ve read.
Other books are often old and talk in code

Another good book is Volume Control. David Owen. Interesting writer



Hope your well.This is a Hearing Community to share thoughts on Hearing Aids and how we can ease the burden of hearing loss as well as living with the terrible “Tinnitus” of which there is no cure.Some of us have loss and “T” through Injuries,Age,Medication Side Effects etc but thankfully Hearing Aid Manufacturers have made at least my life easier with New Technology HA and Receivers.


Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice, I will open the door and come in and I will sup with him and he with me. Revelation 3:20.


Yes definitely i wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him hearing my parents prayers or even my prayers.


Me too. I was excused.